Short & Sweet Thanks
Sticking with the title, It’s been five years and it’s now time to move on. As I am sure with most people who decide it’s time to move on, I have had both good and bad times (mostly good) and learned a trick or two during my adventurous journey.
My time here has given me the opportunity to meet some “Interesting” and exciting people, who mostly taught me some valuable lessons for how to, and how not to handle myself in future dealings.
As a whole, ‘The Microsoft Incident’ has provided me with everything I needed to step up into my new role (QLD & WA Channel Account Manager with McAfee), for which I am truly grateful.
There are a number people that I will thank in person for their patience, guidance and understanding throughout the years. For anyone who would like to stay in contact, you can reach me on my existing mobile number 0400 xxx xxx, and personal email is
My last day is Friday the 13th of April, so if you feel the need to chat, kick, punch or whatever, now is the time.
Now the important stuff – I am planning to have a bite to eat at the revamped Elephant & Wheelbarrow on Friday the 13th April kicking off at 12pm, followed with a few cool refreshments later that day at the new valley club –
If you would like to invigorate your soul, please use the attached yes/ no option so that I can inform the chef!